Healing Drum - Chakra Balancing 4th August

Healing Drum - Chakra Balancing 4th August

This sound healing session will begin with a connection meditation before being immersed in the nuturing sonic vibrations of drum.

The healing drum is a beautiful experience using techniques to balance our levels of consciousness: body, emotions, mind, soul & spirit. Calling on the four direction’s the drum is played using shamanic drumming sounds. Feel the sonic vibrations of Drum bring your seven body energy system – chakras – into balance and harmony. 

In traditional shamanic cultures, the drum is believed to contain life force energy which is released when the drum is played. The drum is linked to our own mother’s heartbeat and its life giving energies. The drum is seen as the womb – pregnant with life giving energy and the beater – the masculine energy. It connects us all through the beat being played via the drum to Mother Earth and the rhythms of the Earth. 

The shamanic drum is a healing, meditative and transformational tool backed by science. (further information can be found at https://sunshineforthesoul.co.uk/treatments/energy-medicine/drum/)

Drumming releases negative feelings and creates a feeling of connectedness both with yourself mentally and spiritually, as well as a ‘oneness’ with nature.

This healing drum sound bath is brought to you from a healing point of love – an experience that will stay with you forever.

Availability 04-08-2024


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